• ART works to reprogram the way in which distressing images and memories are stored in the brain so that they no longer trigger strong physical and emotional reactions.

    ART uses visualization techniques and attention on how the body is affected by distressing images or memories, enhanced through use of rapid eye movement (REM) similar to eye movements during dreaming.

    Watch ART founder Laney Rosenzweig’s TEDx talk for more information.

  • We are in-network with the following insurance plans for mental health services:

    Medical Assistance/Medicaid (MA)

    PrimeWest Health Plan

    Blue Cross/Blue Shield (including BluePlus)

    Sanford Health Plan

    We are an EAP provider for certain networks; please inquire.

  • Individual Mental Health:

    $170 for a 60-minute session

    $130 for an additional 30 minutes (added for a 90 minute session)

    Diagnostic Assessment: $250

    *Clients will not be refused on the basis of inability to pay. Discounts for essential services are offered depending on family size and income. You may apply for a discount by inquiring about a sliding scale application.

  • Please give me a call or send me an email. When we talk you can ask me questions and we can explore if we’d be a good fit.

  • 1510 Bemidji Avenue North

    Suite 16

    Bemidji, MN 56601

  • It is not! Check out our ART vs. EMDR chart.

  • Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) utilizes guided imagery and eye movements to rewrite traumatic memories with more positive imagery.

    Clients are not required to discuss the actual memory; instead focusing on their physical feelings and sensations throughout their body.